International Application Information


**You will need to have these/be aware of these before applying

A. For the GPA application, you must have:

  1. Active passport of applicant’s home country (must not be expired before November 2027)

  2. Medical history information

  3. Recommendation letters

  4. Resume/CV

B. Costs; You will need to consider the following fees that will not be covered by GPA:

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) When does the GPA year start? When does GPA end?

Typically starts on September 1st. The year typically ends in mid-June. 

2) At what step does the visa process require payments?

The first step that requires a payment is after the visa paperwork submission. The second is at the U.S. embassy appointment within your native country.

3) What will GPA pay for and what will I need to pay for?

GPA will initially pay for the visa (460 USD) and the attorney (800 USD), but you will need to pay GPA back. Everything else in the visa process, you will need to cover.

4) Throughout the GPA year, what will GPA pay for?

GPA will pay for transportation during the program (but not for flights going back/coming from home due to injury, holiday, etc), lodging, and food.

You will need to cover for your own medical insurance, personal hygiene (except for feminine products), phone plans, and clothes. If something only pertains to you and your benefit, then you will most likely have to cover for it.

5) As an international participant, what would I do during winter break?

We have a winter break typically from December 23 to January 6. USA participants will go home and celebrate Christmas and the New Years with their family. International participants can stay with a host family of another GPA member, or GPA Staff can help find a place for you to stay during the break.

6) What if money is difficult in my country?

If money is difficult, please communicate with GPA staff prior to applying.