Happy True Parents’ Birthday and Cosmic Blessing day!

As GPA we had the privilege of joining the special events held in Korea. We started with celebrating Mother Moon’s 80 years of life with some performances. As usual, there was a musical number explaining about the course Mother and Father Moon have walked in bringing all people back to God. One part that stuck out to me was when the actress portraying Mother Moon sang about the sorrows and hardships she faces in her role. She concluded that portion by singing “Even though the path is rough, I am always grateful for being your Mother.” Hearing this brought tears to my eyes from an overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude. It was so moving to hear how despite how challenging the role is, Mother Moon has gratitude for being in her position to share God’s heart to the world. 

Afterwards, we began the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony! All the couples looked so bright, light, and beautiful as they received the Blessing from Mother Moon. The Blessing concluded with a dance cam — it was so funny watching the couples be caught off guard and stumble into a first dance together as a couple. 

Following the Blessing was the opening of the Cheon Won Gung and GPA last minute was able to attend this event in person! It was such a blessing to be able to participate in the opening of such a historic building. Mother Moon offered a prayer including repentance for the building still needing some work. But then she shared her gratitude of what could be finished and how it was a victory that a temple where God can dwell could finally be built. I was inspired by how much joy Mother Moon had in making this offering to God and it warmed my heart seeing how happy she was after the prayer and opening was completed. 

Overall, the day was packed with many victories and blessings! I felt as GPA it was such an honor to attend these events and have the opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and Mother Moon through participating. Seeing how much Mother Moon is doing and the burden she is carrying inspired many of us. We want to do more to support and work with her to bring this world to be united and allow God to dwell with us. Thank you Mother Moon for your sacrifice and hard work! We will grow to work together with you!

Sarah Takhar

Korea Blogger, Generation Peace Academy


North America Leaders Gathering


Day 3: Paju Wonjeon, Imjingak, Korean War Memorial