Meeting with Mother Moon

Today GPA had the privilege to greet Mother Moon! Despite her extremely busy schedule, we had the opportunity to meet with her. Everyone was filled with anticipation and excitement to see her. We hoped to see and hear from her and were anxious to give her support and joy. We have received so much from Mother Moon and wanted to express our deep gratitude to her. 

We could offer her some gifts, and she shared some words with us. She asked about what we had done in the year and how we had grown. She wanted to hear about how fundraising was and what kind of product we use. She smiled and laughed when we explained it was 3-D pictures of nature, famous people, and even of her. The environment was so bright and loving, and she decided to treat us to a lunch of Heaven G Burger hamburgers later on in our trip since she felt we worked hard. This experience taught us why she is called Mother Moon and truly a mother to everyone she meets. Whenever I want to give a gift to my mother, she always returns more to me than I can give her. In the same way, we wanted to give joy to Mother Moon and express our gratitude to her, yet she ended up giving us so much through her words, smile, and laughter. 

Afterward, we were able to offer two songs. The first was the Song of David, which is about the temple of Solomon. Heavenly USA sang it to celebrate the opening of the Cheon Won Gung, the temple in this day and age where God can dwell on the earth. 

The second song was Uri Omoni, written this past GPA year by Heavenly USA Staff JungSun Batino. This song expresses that we want to follow in Mother Moon’s footsteps and help unite this world centering on God. 

After hearing the performances, Mother Moon looked so happy and peaceful. We were pleased that we could give her support after all of the conferences and events and that she could feel our love. We took a picture together and bid her farewell. As we continue our time in Korea, we want to keep this experience in our hearts and continue to grow closer to God and Mother and Father Moon.

Sarah Takhar

Korea Blogger, Generation Peace Academy


Visiting the Early Days


North America Leaders Gathering