Visiting the Early Days

Once again, we boarded buses and headed out on a pilgrimage, following the footsteps of Mother and Father Moon’s history. Our first stop was the Cheong-pa Dong Church. Here is where Mother and Father Moon held their Holy Blessing Ceremony and began their married life. They lived there for many years and had eight of their fourteen children. Many other significant events happened there, such as the Blessing of the thirty-six and seventy-two couples and the writing of the Divine Principle by Hyo Won Eu. Walking through the halls and rooms helped us to connect and brought to life the places many of us had read about for many years. 

Our next stop was Seodaemun Prison, initially built by the Japanese when they occupied Korea. After Korea gained independence in 1945, the prison ran until 1987, and in 1995 it was renovated and became the Seodaemun Prison History Hall. It is now an educational site for freedom and peace and represents Korea's painful struggles and sacrifices to gain independence. It was mainly used to hold Korean independence fighters when run by Japan. Father Moon spent a few months there due to false claims, and after they were cleared, he was immediately released. I felt so heavy being there that many people, including Father Moon, were imprisoned for unrighteous and unjust reasons. But as I walked the grounds, I was also moved by how Father Moon could keep an absolute standard of love and be God’s representative despite being there wrongfully. 

The day's last stop was Yamok Church, located up a hill near the sea. This is where Father Moon first started talking about Ocean Providence and brought members fishing. It was so fun visiting Yamok because the members who currently care for it acted like aunts and uncles. With bright smiles, they welcomed us to each part of the tour and explained the significance of Yamok Church. Despite its importance, it’s a place few visit, so they were so happy we visited. They taught us a few dances between the explanation and treated each of us to a can of McCol. Our time was filled with joy and laughter; we now know it has always been this way. Even though they worked hard, the members knew how to have a good time. 

The next day we were able to eat at Heaven G Burger! Mother Moon gifted us with the opportunity to eat as much as we want and we were able to enjoy the food. We shared the meal with our North America Leader Dr. Chin Sik Yong and were able to share about our experiences so far. Overall it was a great time!

Sarah Takhar

Korea Blogger, Generation Peace Academy


Korean Then and Now


Meeting with Mother Moon