Day 17: God’s Gift for Us
Hola! So continuing from where we left off last time, on our first day here in Santiago, we visited Santiago's Memorial Park, where we learned about the various historical figures that bought the Dominican Republic to where it is today as an independent country.
Day 13: Leap of Faith
Let me just tell you that these past four days were PACKED! Come along with me to experience all the crazy experiences we had through this chapter!
Day 5: Light for the World
¡Hola a todos! Ready to learn about all the exciting, new things we’ve been experiencing since the last time we updated you here in La República Dominicana?
Day 1: Knowing their Roots
My name’s Rie, and let me take you along the path we’ll be taking here in the Dominican Republic this month. It’ll be filled with the passion and zeal that young people hold within themself to witness this true unconditional love to the people around this country, for us to be able to contribute to building “One family under God!”